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Lincoln County Watch |
As of early 2010 we have stopped updating this page in favor of our blog at www.paulstramer.net which now contains over 900 articles about a myriad of issues from around the world which effect our country and Lincoln County. Please subscribe to the feed and stay informed about everything concearning your safety and security. Use the search feature on the right side of the page to find topics you are interested in.
2 11 2010 The Problem Corruption in Montana View trailers and Buy the movie here: http://www.beneaththebeauty.com/ 3 12 2010 Are you active duty military, police, sheriff, or any reserve deputies or other law agency? What will you do when they order you to go get the guns from the American people or some other unlawfull action? 8 25 2009 If the Obama administration commands universal manditory vaccinations for Swine Flu is the Sheriff of Lincoln county going to fall right in step and force vaccinations at the point of a gun, or threat of arrest? |
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