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Lincoln County Watch

You have the power right now to control government.

Contact the Fully Informed Jury Association.

You have several votes that you don't know about. You have your vote in the ballot box, yes, but how do you feel when you come out? Do you feel helpless? Yes, me too.

But there is another vote you have that carries tremendous power. It's called your Jury vote. De Jure is the proper term.

But you have never been taught about this in the government schools have you? Watch Red Beckman in these videos and you will realize the true power you have.


Paul Stramer
Lincoln County Watch, 406 889 3183 Skype: pstramer, pstramer@eurekadsl.net

Watch Red Beckman's latest video "The Angry American" in Windows Media Player here: http://www.lincolncountywatch.org/Video/angryamerican.wmv

The Angry American Get it on DVD here
The latest movie by Red Beckman, Montana's fighting redhead, and Pat Shannon. Covers Jury rights, How to take back America, The Fraud of the Income Tax, The 14th amendment, The 17th amendment, The second amendment and lots more. Wake up America and get moving.

http://www.paulstramer.net Paul Stramer personal blog

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